Art City
Enrich your experience of Art
Enrich your experience of Art
Sharing the beautiful moments in Life
Sharing the beautiful moments in Life
Inspire your heart
Inspire your heart
Make our city full of Art
Make our city full of Art
ArtCity is a design-oriented company for home goods from Taiwan. We are specialized in home decorations.
Art City 生活藝廊,致力於品牌推廣與作品原創。
Art City 生活藝廊,體現藝術優遊於城市的意象,代表隨時可擁有、展現藝術美感的生活體驗,讓藝術對大眾來說不只是高不可攀的藝術品,而有機會轉化為生活中各類實用的產品、日常所需的配件、居家使用的擺飾,使藝術氛圍滲入生活,體現於城市中的各個角落。